The Organization operates in 2 major divisions namely the Outreach/Rehabilitation and the Preventive arm.
The Outreach arm of the NGO organizes outreaches to brothels in various
communities using programs like Mobile Care Clinic, seminars, discipleship\life skills trainings and counseling.
Girls are brought out of the brothels, under the bridges or sent by churches/communities and taken to the home for rehabilitation. They are later trained on Income Generating Activity of their choice and given equipment grant to start a new life after a period of between 11/2 to 2 years.
Preventive Arm/ Couples Training
This arm organizes trainings through the Wholistic Outreach Training School ( WOTRAP) for church members, co-coordinators, teenage and youth Pastors on issues of abstinence, as it affects our youths and teenagers, setting up of youth clubs, life skill trainings etc.
Under the preventive Arm, Couples trainings are also organized for couples within the church to promote positive parenting between parents and their children. A team of trainers within the organization had their capacities built up by Scripture Union West Africa on several topics like “Raising Confident Children”, Parent Child Communication” Discipline for Freedom”, How to help your children sturdy” , Life Skill Training, Peer Education Training etc.
Our Best Practice
Phase 1 – Pre-rehabilitation Process
Period of 1 – 4 months
- Discipleship & Counseling
- Traveling with Daughters for reconciliation with family members (wherever family members can be located)
Phase II – Rehabilitation Process .
5th to 12th month
- Discipleship process using life skills and scripture method is on going.
- Skill Training of Choice (if not pregnant, otherwise daughter waits until delivery)
- Adult Education classes on going for all inmates
- Outside school enrolment
13th to 15th month
Industrial Attachment in area of skill learnt. Those in school continue.
15th to 20th month
Graduation and setting up
Home Location
- Presently Wholistic Outreach runs 3 homes in 3 state locations – Lagos, Ogun and Port Harcourt.
- The home in Lagos is strictly for HIV/Aids positive girls. (PLWHA) This home is situated in Ikorodu town while the home in Ogun is situated in Loburo town.
- The home in P/ Harcourt is overseen by RCCG Port Harcourt Region 1
Human Resources
Wholistic Outreach presently runs with staff strength of 29 people – comprising of 4 home leaders, 1 crèche attendant, 1 adult Education teacher, I Caterer, 3 security guards and 17 admin staff. Programs organized involve most staff members and are carried out as a team work.